Wednesday, August 24, 2016

(14) Kung Foo, anyone?

At 14 weeks along, Darren and Holly decide to host a get-together with a couple of old co-workers (Lily and Olga) and their families.  We decided to inform them of our little “adventure”, using a similar prank as we used with Tom’s siblings Sheila and Andy a few weeks ago.  Keep in mind that no one from Holly or Darren’s family knows about this, and won’t for another 10 weeks (when we reach 24 weeks – at least that’s the plan!).  In fact, I’ve never met any of Holly or Darren’s family members, so there’s little chance of any accidental encounters/recognition.  Anyway, I wear a snug outfit to show my curves.  I’m not huge (yet!), but I’ve got a little pot belly to show for my efforts.  I am carrying twins after all, which are now about the size of lemons.  Lily and her family arrive first, and we just play it cool.  But in the course of our casual conversation, I nonchalantly mention that I’m pregnant.  Lily didn’t say anything right away, but she didn’t have to.  Her look said it all.  Let’s just say her expression screamed “WHAT! How old are you?”  Calmly, and with some fabricated sadness, I say “Tom isn’t the father either”.  Now Lily is really confused.  Tom isn’t here, which really adds to the mystery of what I just said.  Then she looks over to Holly and Darren for some help with this suddenly uncomfortable social situation.  But Holly just couldn’t play the game.  She had this huge smile on her face, and started crying (happy tears of course).  Lily was shocked, and didn’t seem entirely pleased with our trick.  But she’s excited for us.  She is also pregnant and about 3-4 weeks ahead of me.  Then we all calm down and discuss the details of what has happened so far.  Olga arrived fashionably late as usual, and we pull the same trick on her.  Like Lily, Olga was really confused.  But, we don’t string her along too long, since we already had enough fun with Lily. 

At this time, I also decide to tell my family back in Arizona.  Even though 38 weeks seems a long way off (it’s now mid-June, and my projected delivery timeframe is late November / early December), I feel confident that we are going to see this through to the end.  Be positive, right?!  I called when most of my family was together for dinner.  I told them all individually as they passed the phone around.  In hindsight, I should have just had it on speaker…  Everyone sounded excited and supportive over the phone, but I wish I could have seen their reactions in person.  My son Zach wasn’t there, so I had to tell him at a different time.  When I explained it to him, he didn’t quite understand what was really happening, and was initially pretty upset.  Boys!  A few days later after talking with a co-worker, he called me to tell me how cool he thought it was.  His co-worker helped him understand (thank you co-worker!) 

Holly and Darren decide to take a babymoon.  Huh?!  I don’t think such a thing existed when I had my kids.  They chose a cruise to the Bahamas that leaves June 21st.  They invited us too, but I didn’t want to travel all that way while pregnant.  I’m being positive, but also cautious.  I’ll save vacationing for after delivery.  We discuss the appointments I’ll have while Holly is gone, and I have strict instructions to keep her informed by email. 

It’s now June 23rd, and it’s been a few weeks since I’ve been to the doctor (and a few weeks from the scary bleeding incident) so I’m excited to see Dr. Merrill.  He always seems excited to see me too (I wonder if he’s like this with everyone), but I think I’m just special.  A quick check shows my blood pressure is up, again!  I’ve been logging my BP for the past 12 days and everything is fine when I’m at home.  White coat syndrome people!  He is still worried, so he takes my blood for a Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Panel.  It’s a little annoying, but if it puts everyone at ease to take my blood and check my BP 24/7 then I’ll do it.  Dr. Merrill is legitimately concerned, so he has me come back on Friday the 27th and Monday the 30th to have the nurse do some monitoring.  It is pretty crazy because my BP is fine when I’m at home.  Now I’m starting to worry because they’re worried.  It’s a viscous cycle.  On a positive note, I got to see more ultrasounds of the active twins.  They were so wiggly that the sonogram tech commented that they must be Kung foo fighting in there.  Pretty cute!  When they calmed down a little, one baby was sucking his/her thumb.  The other was face down and the tech (being funny) said “it appears this baby is sucking the placenta”.  We both laughed at that because it did look that way!  I decide not to update Holly with all of my BP appointments.  No use worrying her and Darren while they are vacationing.  I just give her the highlights of what the babies are up to.  When they get back, I plan to reveal the genders of the twins to them, with a special surprise…

June 14th - 14 weeks

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